Local Stories sometimes resonate the most

Sunday mornings are one of my favourites. Usually starts early, up before the teenagers, and allows for time to enjoy a couple cups of coffee and read the newspaper.  Today's edition included our local monthly magazine, which highlights various news items and features local neighbours going about their everyday lives.

Today's issue included a story about a student who "thought" he hated math http://seasidemagazine.ca/trade-student-spotlight-brandon-latouf-sheet-metal/.  He thought he was stupid because of how math had been taught to him, and by the time he reached Grade 9, he had pretty much decided that school wasn't his thing.  Luckily for him, a few teachers intervened - his English teacher and his Career Counsellor/Apprenticeship Coordinator.  A few short years later he found his niche.  He also discovered he was very talented with math and was actually enjoying it once again.

I like to highlight these success stories.  We have so many talented teachers and tuned in parents who are so keen on making our kids discover that they're not stupid.  That they're actually incredibly gifted and talented and we need to recognize that.  But we do need to ensure we give them the proper tools to ensure success.  So for all those unsung heroes out there who recognize what kids require in order to find their way, "thank you".


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