More of the same on the Tutoring Phenomenon Down Under

I just read this post and it reinforces the tutoring phenomenon that we have experienced it seems...everywhere.  There is NOTHING wrong about tutoring, per se. It has always existed in some form or other, as long as schooling has been around.

What many of us are uncovering, are unprecedented increasing enrolment in many tutoring centres that has never been experienced before. Unsurprisingly, this has occurred during the same time frame that many of these child centred, progressivist education reforms have gripped many of our ed schools and infiltrated school curricula, and we've seen decreasing academic trends worldwide in the same time frame.

Feel free to share Michael's post. And please, if you are one of those parents who's frustrated by constantly shelling out tutoring $$ because of a deficient school curriculum, please let your MLA and/or School Administrator know this is unacceptable.


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