PISA 2022 Results Are In

Image Courtesy of Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, Report for 2022 

Well the PISA results were announced yesterday and they sure didn't disappoint, in terms of, er, disappointment!  We've been sounding the alarm bells for over a decade now, and boy oh boy...we're in freefall mode out here on the Left Coast.  Last year’s assessment focused on mathematics, although it also assessed Reading & Science.  Here are a few highlights on British Columbia’s math performance: 

  1. Since 2003, academic achievement has declined from a high of 538 points, to an abysmal 497 points last year (2022). According to PISA, a 20 point drop is equivalent to a loss of a full year of learning.  So today’s students, despite skyrocketing education budgets, more teachers, and smaller class sizes, are fully 2 years behind those students taking math class 20 years ago.  That is shocking!
  2. Level 2 indicates students are barely functionally numerate. Level 5+6 indicates the highest level of mathematical understanding.  Since 2003, the percentage of students that are barely functioning, has risen from 9% to 21.3% - fully over a 230% increase. Whereas the brightest students, at Level 5+6, went from a high of 22% in 2003, to merely 12% in 2022.
  3. British Columbia students experienced the biggest significant decline after the BCED plan was implemented in 2016 (16 point loss between 2003-12; 26 point loss between 2012-22).  And yet the BCEd plan was supposed to make kids...SMARTER?!? (even though it rejected every single piece of evidence behind effective instruction and removed all meaningful standards in the curriculum...and cancelled ALL provincial exams).

It’s hard knowing these FACTs and not be cynical.  Is the Province in collusion with the BCTF, to remain silent on this issue while continuing to shovel cash into their coffers? What about the media? What motivates them to continue haranguing on about bike lanes while the school system is in tatters...leaving our kids even further behind than ever before?  It’s not lost on me to see that the provinces which have implemented positive changes over the past 10 years (PEI, Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba) have started to see their decline slow down, whereas in British Columbia our academic achievement is barreling downhill in a freefall sprint.  Because it’s the TRENDS which requires attention, and BC is in trouble.  So why isn’t any investigation being done about this? At the very least...why aren’t any questions being raised?

Here are a few illustrations about how we're doing.  I'll leave it to you to determine what the conclusions might be for our kids' futures if this continues unabated.  Sources came from Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) 

And be sure to check out Anna's interview with Karen Pauls on CBC TV.  

It's bad out there folks.  Better start squawking.


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